This world is amazing. Yah, yah. We all know that. But just stop to think. It's not just some hum-drum place.... it is amazing. And where ever we may be, who ever may surround us, there is always something to fascinate. Most of it really depends on us. Have we opened the eyes of our souls? Notice the small things under foot. Observe what is going on above us. Look into the eyes of those talking to us.
Maybe that's why photography is so fun. It forces a person to do just that. There things that surround us everyday, the almost every day type of things. But they become in our eyes what they really are. Not something of little import, but another precious rock that makes up the pricelessness of our world.
A few weeks back one of those moments was place in my lap. I got to interview a couple of veterans with a positive outlook on life. Take a look at their outlook. It touches the heart. It's this kind of stuff that makes me love freelance photography.